What is Embedded System?
Back to info about Academic projects. 1.Embedded system Embedded System is a system which perform some limited task or a system which are designed to perform a speci fic applicatio n. If we ta lk about Camera , Refrigerator are Embedded syste m. B ecause Camera i s designed only to take picture and record videos . But if we talk about a Computer , it can not be terms as a Embed ded system bec ause many application can be perform in computer by simply installing Application Program on it. Usually embedded system s d oes not have m ore user interface, but a General Purpose System are having more user interface. The basic block diagram for any Embedded System is shown below. Core: It is the controlling and main part of the system. A perfect micro controller, microprocessor, FPGA, CPLD, COTS or DSP processors can be used as core in Embedded system as per respective application. Communication Interface: If Embedded system is having requirement of communic...